Blueprint - swapper based diagonal corners factory 12x full in and out

v2 updated on Sep 14, 2024 created on Aug 24, 2024

swapper based diagonal corners factory 12x full in and out

Accepts 12x inputs to two ports with adjacent pairs of the two shapes (half used for each port). Outputs all 12x outputs to one output. Full saturation. For example, turn CuCuCuCu and RuRuRuRu into CuRuCuRu. Note, half the results are rotated one quarter turn from the other half. The main work is 1x swapper, 2x clockwork rotators, another 1x swapper. This is instead of using cutters, rotators, and stackers to do the work. Which takes a lot more space and buildings. The rest is belts and launchers to pair lines of Shape A with lines of Shape B. The screenshot also shows the inputs coming from another island. That mixes the lines so they are adjacent pairs. It's not necessary. A simpler version could be done but I already have it for other uses, so, I used it. Note, I had an earlier less performant version. That's on this site as well. I tried to update it to this, but, it doesn't let me update its blueprint ID to the new version, so, I'm re-adding it here.
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