Blueprint - 1x1 platform 4-layer stacker full saturation 16x ins to 4x outs

v2 updated on Sep 19, 2024 created on Aug 23, 2024

1x1 platform 4-layer stacker full saturation 16x ins to 4x outs

Accepts 16x full line inputs to produce 4x full line outputs of 4-layer shapes. Saturates output lines to 100%. Has 72x stackers, 224 belts, 23 launchers, 35 catchers (has 12x more inputs than outputs). It accepts the shapes as groups of 4x lines related to the level they go to. So, the south port uses all 12x inputs. The bottom four are the bottom layer of the output shape. The middle four are the second layer of the shape. The top four are the third layer of the shape. Then, the west port uses only the top four inputs and they're the fourth (top) layer of the output shape. The input lines correspond to the output lines. So, the leftmost south inputs (bottom, middle, and top) are for output #1 which is the topmost output line on the east side. The fourth layer for that output is the topmost west input. So, the west and east ports count top down, the south port counts left to right.
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